Thursday, May 8, 2008

The Realistic Way of Losing Weight

People want to lose weight for a variety of reasons. Those who are overweight or obese want to be healthier and have more energy. Some try to diet because they want to look and feel better. Regardless of what the reasons are, you must understand that successful weight loss and healthy weight management largely depends on goals that are sensible and realistic.

A long-term and healthy weight management generally requires sensible goals and a commitment to make realistic lifestyle changes. If you set this kind of goal for yourself, you have greater chances of fulfilling them and have a better chance of keeping the weight off. A lifestyle based on healthy eating and regular physical activity is all that's needed to improve your health.

Many people who are overweight or obese have decided not to diet Per Se, but to concentrate on engaging in regular physical activity and maintaining healthy eating habits in accordance with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, emphasizing lowered fat consumption, and an increase in vegetables, fruits and whole grains. It is advised for overweight people to lose weight gradually. For safe and healthy weight loss, try not to exceed a rate of two pounds per week. Remember that losing five to 10 percent of your weight is the ideal kind of weight loss goal. However, people with serious health problems associated with obesity may have legitimate reasons for losing weight rapidly. If so, a physician's supervision is required.

Be guided that what you weigh is the result of these factors:

* how much and what kinds of food you eat

* whether your lifestyle includes regular physical activity

* whether you use food to respond to stress and other situations in your life

* your physiologic and genetic make-up

* your age and health status.

Successful weight loss and weight management should address all of these factors. And that's the reason to ignore products and programs that promise quick and easy results, or that promise permanent results without permanent changes in your lifestyle. Any ad that says you can lose weight without lowering the calories you take in and/or increasing your physical activity is selling fantasy and false hope. In fact, some people would call it fraud. Furthermore, the use of some products may not be safe. Healthy weight loss requires planning and lots of knowledge, but the payoff is more than worth it! Try to get lot of research with how you can lose weight the healthy way and you would have a high chance to keep away those unwanted pounds forever.

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