Thursday, May 8, 2008

The Healthy Way To Weight Loss

Do Weight Loss Plans Work?

Many methods are used for weight reduction. Some of them are successful with a small percentage of people; however, most of them do not work for the majority. One problem with most diet plans is that there is a strong tendency to regain weight -- often as much as 2/3 of the weight within the year, and in most cases virtually all of the weight within 5 years.

Are Weight Loss Plans Healthful?

In addition, most diet plans are not nutritionally sound. For example, high protein diets are harmful to the kidneys, do not provide the nutrients that the body needs, and cause excessive calcium loss from the body. Very low calorie diet often cause excessive loss of lean body tissue and often result in a quick regaining of weight. Other side effects include fatigue, hair loss, dizziness, and an increased risk of gallstones. Diets that restrict carbohydrates are low in many essential nutrients such as vitamins A, C and E, put a lot of stress on the kidneys, and can be dehydrating to the body.

All fad diets should be avoided. There are no pills, creams, shakes, or herbals that will make you lose weight in a healthy way.

What Does Work?

A healthful, active lifestyle with meals built around fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, and a moderate amount of nuts is a healthier and more certain method of weight loss. These natural foods provide the energy and nutrition that your body requires without the saturated fat that it doesn't need. Most who make this lifestyle change find that the weight just "falls off" with little thought of dieting. There are many good cookbooks available that can help you learn to use these health-giving foods in an appetizing way.

Modifying habits that contribute to weight gain and reinforcing new, positive behaviors can also help in the effort to lose weight. For instance, if your family has a habit of rewarding children for good grades on report cards with a trip to an ice cream stand, perhaps the family could establish a new pattern of rewards -- a family bicycling outing, or a trip to the lake -- instead of a food reward. This helps to erase the link between food and celebration of successes.

Other behavioral modification techniques include eating more slowly and avoiding exposure to cues that prompt one to eat. For instance, if you have a habit of snacking while watching television every night, substitute another behavior such as taking a walk or gardening instead of television watching. Increasing energy expenditure in daily activities (for example, park farther from the store when going shopping, or climb one or two flights of stairs, rather than taking the elevator) is another beneficial habit to cultivate.

Avoid the Temptation!

Ridding your home of nutritionally poor foods and replacing them with healthful foods is probably the most effective means of weight loss since this reduces the temptation to munch on foods that contribute to weight gain. Keep an abundant supply of fresh fruit and vegetables available. Don't hesitate to spend a little more for fresh berries, fresh greens, or whole grain foods. Your health is worth it! (And those foods are much cheaper and better tasting than diet pills.)


Remember to maintain a positive attitude and cultivate a grateful spirit toward God for the nutritious food that He has so lovingly provided for us.

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