Thursday, May 8, 2008

Natural Weight Loss Ideas

It's no wonder, that with all the modern conveniences that society has to offer we have become a nation of overweight people. The rate of overweight Americans has climbed steadily as technology has made life easier. With that in mind, here are a few natural weight loss ideas. With just a few simple changes in our daily routine, you can lose a few extra pounds.

1) Buy a bicycle, and use it for short trips to visit friends or to pick up a few items at the store.

2) Don't try to find the nearest parking spot to whatever store or event you are visiting. Isn't it funny, how people going to a health club spend lots of time trying to find a parking space close to the entrance! You'll burn a few extra calories and save some time by parking further away.

3) If your kids play a sport take a brisk walk around the park or field during their warm ups. This will help keep you warm while you are waiting. Take another players parents with you.. It's a great way to get to know someone new.

4) Speed clean. Raking leaves? Sweeping the floor? Time yourself and see if you can beat your time the next time you do the same cleaning project. This works great on your weekly or daily cleaning rituals. I would not suggest this when cleaning the toilet!

5) Try speed walking when your taking your dog for a walk. It's great exercise and your dog will enjoy the faster pace.

6) Every time a commercial comes on while your watching T.V. get up and just move around. Maybe a few sit ups, push ups, or see how many times you can walk to the other side or your house or apartment.

7) Make up your own list of natural weight loss ideas based on the ordinary things you do every day. With a little thought you'll be able to come up with some clever ways to help you burn a few extra calories.

The Realistic Way of Losing Weight

People want to lose weight for a variety of reasons. Those who are overweight or obese want to be healthier and have more energy. Some try to diet because they want to look and feel better. Regardless of what the reasons are, you must understand that successful weight loss and healthy weight management largely depends on goals that are sensible and realistic.

A long-term and healthy weight management generally requires sensible goals and a commitment to make realistic lifestyle changes. If you set this kind of goal for yourself, you have greater chances of fulfilling them and have a better chance of keeping the weight off. A lifestyle based on healthy eating and regular physical activity is all that's needed to improve your health.

Many people who are overweight or obese have decided not to diet Per Se, but to concentrate on engaging in regular physical activity and maintaining healthy eating habits in accordance with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, emphasizing lowered fat consumption, and an increase in vegetables, fruits and whole grains. It is advised for overweight people to lose weight gradually. For safe and healthy weight loss, try not to exceed a rate of two pounds per week. Remember that losing five to 10 percent of your weight is the ideal kind of weight loss goal. However, people with serious health problems associated with obesity may have legitimate reasons for losing weight rapidly. If so, a physician's supervision is required.

Be guided that what you weigh is the result of these factors:

* how much and what kinds of food you eat

* whether your lifestyle includes regular physical activity

* whether you use food to respond to stress and other situations in your life

* your physiologic and genetic make-up

* your age and health status.

Successful weight loss and weight management should address all of these factors. And that's the reason to ignore products and programs that promise quick and easy results, or that promise permanent results without permanent changes in your lifestyle. Any ad that says you can lose weight without lowering the calories you take in and/or increasing your physical activity is selling fantasy and false hope. In fact, some people would call it fraud. Furthermore, the use of some products may not be safe. Healthy weight loss requires planning and lots of knowledge, but the payoff is more than worth it! Try to get lot of research with how you can lose weight the healthy way and you would have a high chance to keep away those unwanted pounds forever.

Natural Weight Loss Tips

We are all probably aware that food-obsessive behavior is common. Because of this a natural weight loss diet can be difficult to maintain. However, it offers a better chance for success than any other diet option.

Men and women who are binge eaters, as well as those who fantasize about, and often almost live for food can be almost as addicted to food as someone who is addicted to alcohol, or narcotics. They desperately need a metabolic approach to their problem.

Life Without Control

When they are children, most people start off eating the so-called balanced diet, but by the time they reach adulthood, their diet has become progressively less balanced.

They begin to notice an expanding waistline, they take a look at their eating habits, and they finally realize they have a problem. They may even notice that their choice of food has gone off in a specific direction.

The majority will find that carbohydrates now form the bulk of what they eat. Breads, cakes, and candies, pasta, and popcorn; the list goes on and on. Surprising and illogical food cravings are typical, as carbohydrate addiction is very real. A safe, natural weight loss program is calling them, but they don't hear it.

Have you ever had a complete dinner including a big dessert, and almost immediately afterward find that you want something else that is sweet? This extra carbohydrate craving is a sure sign, as is fatigue, that your carbohydrate metabolism is probably out of whack. After eating the carbohydrate food that you were craving, your feeling of satisfaction is only a brief one.

Many carbohydrate addicts find that they can't walk past the refrigerator without opening it. Most people don't recognize that they have a problem, with many feeling that their compulsions are harmless.

It is important that they understand their food compulsion is not a character disorder. It is a chemical disorder called hyperinsulinism, as well as an eating behavioral disorder.

If you really want to succeed with a natural weight loss program, the first thing you have to do is to get rid of that compulsive behavior. You can get off to a great start by avoiding harmful carbohydrates such as those in refined sugar.

Sugar itself, has no nutritional value, and can be directly harmful to your overall health. Despite the sugar companies determined attempts to defend it, hundred of studies clearly show how potentially deadly its effects can be.

Sugar activates certain metabolic processes that are harmful to your overall health as well as your waistline. It is a metabolic poison.

You can lose weight naturally simply by starting to count your calorie intake. Discuss a safe diet based on a reasonable daily calorie intake with your doctor. Your doctor is best suited to advise you on just what is safe specifically for you, and your efforts with natural weight loss. You must improve on the quality of your diet, not the quantity.

Next, incorporate a healthy lifestyle into this program of weight loss by engaging in regular daily exercise. Regular exercise will provide you with a great many more health benefits than just assisting with your weight loss program. The best thing about exercise, when used to help natural weight loss, is that it continuously boosts your body's "metabolic rate" so as to promote the continuous burning of calories.

Continue with your efforts by replacing a few foods in your meal plan. Gradually changing these foods will make it a lot easier to conform to a natural weight loss plan. For example, if you like pork, cut off the fat and eat only the lean meat. Don't fry it, broil it, and it will still be delicious.

Simply by changing your eating habits, avoiding the foods that make you gain weight, and incorporating a regular exercise program into your life will allow you to effectively lose weight with a natural weight loss program.

How To Lose Fat Fast Naturally

The first thing you need to know if you want to lose fat is that you need to BURN fat. Burning fat is all about using up more calories than you take in. If you eat more calories than your body uses throughout the day, these additional calories will be stored as body fat.

To prevent a build up of body fat you need to either reduce your calorie intake or increase your daily activity levels - doing both will have the best effect on reducing body fat.

This simply means that the more fat you want to lose then the greater the amount of calories you have to burn off. To help you achieve and speed up your fat loss, here are few things that help.

Speed up your metabolism. Exercise speeds up metabolism. The more active your lifestyle the more likely you are to have a quick metabolism and lose weight.

Metabolism - What is it about?

Metabolism does control weight, this is true. What most people don't know is that they do in fact have the ability to control and adjust their metabolisms and thereby control their weight. Exercise does speed the metabolism up.

The more active your lifestyle the more likely you are to have a quick metabolism and lose weight. It may not be healthy for all of us to get into a highly active lifestyle all at once but it is possible to get there as quickly as you safely can as an individual.

Eat healthy balanced diet. Be sure to eat a variety of foods, including plenty of vegetables, fruits, and whole grain products. Also include low-fat dairy products, lean meats, poultry, fish, and legumes.

Drink lots of water. and go easy on the salt, sugar, alcohol, and saturated fat. A large part of the battle in fighting fat and a slow metabolic rate is the western world's view of food as entertainment.

In addition to taking on an active lifestyle you will need to stop looking at food consumption as a means of gratification. This is what causes us to be gluttons. Instead of stopping when our hunger is sated we continue on until we are stuffed to get more enjoyment out of it.

Get plenty of rest and sleep. Sleep and other lifestyle patterns can help or hinder the rate at which we metabolize foods. An active lifestyle should lead eventually to being able to exercise to exhaustion; this in turn should keep your metabolism quick and your fat content low. By extending oneself to ones limits you fully utilize the lungs, heart, and muscles and burn fat most efficiently.

Be strong mentally. Try not to be obsessed by your weight. Everyone has a bad day. Do not punish yourself. Try to lose any guilt feelings towards the mistakes you have done. Instead, just move on, start again and enjoy life as it comes.

The Healthy Way To Weight Loss

Do Weight Loss Plans Work?

Many methods are used for weight reduction. Some of them are successful with a small percentage of people; however, most of them do not work for the majority. One problem with most diet plans is that there is a strong tendency to regain weight -- often as much as 2/3 of the weight within the year, and in most cases virtually all of the weight within 5 years.

Are Weight Loss Plans Healthful?

In addition, most diet plans are not nutritionally sound. For example, high protein diets are harmful to the kidneys, do not provide the nutrients that the body needs, and cause excessive calcium loss from the body. Very low calorie diet often cause excessive loss of lean body tissue and often result in a quick regaining of weight. Other side effects include fatigue, hair loss, dizziness, and an increased risk of gallstones. Diets that restrict carbohydrates are low in many essential nutrients such as vitamins A, C and E, put a lot of stress on the kidneys, and can be dehydrating to the body.

All fad diets should be avoided. There are no pills, creams, shakes, or herbals that will make you lose weight in a healthy way.

What Does Work?

A healthful, active lifestyle with meals built around fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, and a moderate amount of nuts is a healthier and more certain method of weight loss. These natural foods provide the energy and nutrition that your body requires without the saturated fat that it doesn't need. Most who make this lifestyle change find that the weight just "falls off" with little thought of dieting. There are many good cookbooks available that can help you learn to use these health-giving foods in an appetizing way.

Modifying habits that contribute to weight gain and reinforcing new, positive behaviors can also help in the effort to lose weight. For instance, if your family has a habit of rewarding children for good grades on report cards with a trip to an ice cream stand, perhaps the family could establish a new pattern of rewards -- a family bicycling outing, or a trip to the lake -- instead of a food reward. This helps to erase the link between food and celebration of successes.

Other behavioral modification techniques include eating more slowly and avoiding exposure to cues that prompt one to eat. For instance, if you have a habit of snacking while watching television every night, substitute another behavior such as taking a walk or gardening instead of television watching. Increasing energy expenditure in daily activities (for example, park farther from the store when going shopping, or climb one or two flights of stairs, rather than taking the elevator) is another beneficial habit to cultivate.

Avoid the Temptation!

Ridding your home of nutritionally poor foods and replacing them with healthful foods is probably the most effective means of weight loss since this reduces the temptation to munch on foods that contribute to weight gain. Keep an abundant supply of fresh fruit and vegetables available. Don't hesitate to spend a little more for fresh berries, fresh greens, or whole grain foods. Your health is worth it! (And those foods are much cheaper and better tasting than diet pills.)


Remember to maintain a positive attitude and cultivate a grateful spirit toward God for the nutritious food that He has so lovingly provided for us.